Week 2015

HCIA’s parliamentary breakfast – hearing awareness week 2015

On Tuesday 18 August 2015, in the week preceding Hearing Awareness Week, the Hearing Care Industry Association held it’s 4th Parliamentary Breakfast at Parliament House.

The breakfast was attended by Senator The Hon Fiona Nash, Assistant Minister for Health, and Senator The Hon Marise Payne, Minister for Human Services, Mr Nick Champion, representing the Leader of the Opposition along with over 40 other guests comprising Parliamentarians, advisors, senior representatives of the Department of Health, consumer groups and members of the hearing care industry.

The speakers at the breakfast raised  important issues including the lack of awareness about the impact of hearing loss on  a large proportion of adults at working age  from 50 years plus and the resulting productivity loss.

There is currently no trigger to remind us to have a regular hearing test, which is absolutely paramount to ensure hearing loss is detected early and being treated effectively. This will prevent social isolation of people affected by hearing loss as well as allow them to remain productive members of society.

Australia requires a public awareness raising initiative about hearing loss to ensure it is being treated at early onset so the treatment is most effective.

HCIA is very thankful to all speakers and to those who attended for helping to make the breakfast such a successful event.